"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Be Kind

Just so you know, there are probably a lot of people who are being shaken in their ideology lately.

I'm one of those people who have been watching all sorts of political shenanigans for years. I have believed lies, had "Come to Jesus" moments, had false notions, had to realign my thinking----

Like many people are having to do right now.

The impeachment debacle, the Mueller investigation, the FISA document fiasco----all brought about by a Deep State that was miraculously routed for once----

These stories are too much for some people to process.

Be patient with people. It takes time to see a lie for what it is.

There has been a loud silence from some of the people I've known to be supporters of the left lately. Because they have stridently attacked those of us who are more conservative we are somewhat tempted to crow over things lately.

We can't. We must help people who are slowly waking up to the truth.

We must love them, be kind to them, nurture them.

The truth is the truth. It hurts when you realize you've been believing a lie. It's humbling, humiliating. Let's be kind and not triumph over those who once wanted our defeat.

I maintain that I continue to watch. Continue to tell the truth.

Politically I am pro-life, pro-Israel, and ANTI-GLOBALIST.

That is a Biblical position, and you should align yourself with it, and help those who are waking up to the continual deception of the Evil One to see this truth.

For the hundredth time I will say that I support Donald Trump only in so far as he aligns himself with these ideas. I never liked him, never backed him, but I can only say that as long as he promotes these things I will support his views. For now. The Deep State has been trying to take him down, and that says droves.

As the Anti-Christ kingdom comes to fruition we all must be wise as serpents and gentle as doves. Be kind to those who are just waking up.

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