"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Pity Party

I've worked hard all of this week. It turned out that I had five full shifts at the hotel (I'm there now) and I worked four days teaching.

I just didn't have much mental power to get my studies up to par. I turned in assignments, but yesterday came the announcement that my favorite prof is leaving mid semester and accepting another job. Hmmm. Must get to know a new prof for one of my courses now.

There are twists and turns.

I'm easily sucked into politics and faith matters, and you must admit this past month and a half have been earth-shaking.

Day by day there are fascinating developments in the political world. What is going to happen next? Well, what I've been reading is that the Trump administration is going to go after some high level international crime, stuff that has been going on for years earning politicians literally billions of dollars.

We will see. It is like watching a crazy mystery/spy/drama/soap opera play out in real life.

The coronavirus is something I've already touched on. That story continues to develop. We can all hope it will die out, literally, and our lives be most wholly unaffected by it

Tonight I'm just tired. Tired of crabby customers, loads and loads of sheets and towels, reading dry textbooks which tend to say the same thing over and over in dozens of different ways.

Okay, okay, it's a pity party.

Yesterday's Valentine Festivities at school were fun. The kids that were with me were in high spirits, the smell of sugar in the air. That sort of thing is sweet and reassuring. Some things don't change from childhood.

Perhaps my studies on discrimination and constitutional rights are getting to me...

I'm not saying I'm giving up, but I'm beginning to see a dark underbelly of administrative law that actually discriminates against the non-protected classes---mostly Christians whose ancestors lived in Europe---

The constitution of the United States protects freedom of religion, and the free expression thereof. I truly believe that this right is under attack.

I have the new Clarence Thomas documentary in my mind. I have David Horowitz' book "Dark Agenda" in my mind, and I have the many case studies from my text books to think about.

It's not a pretty picture, dear readers. It's pretty bleak.

Communism is an insidious disease that has taken on the aliases of Marxism, Socialism, Progressivism, Liberalism, Democratic, Social Justice, and Globalism.

It's like our constitutional republic is being attacked from every side.

It makes me feel bad.

So tonight I'm tired and I am having a little pity party. I'm glad tomorrow is Sunday, Sabbath, Rest day, church. We all need the fellowship of believers to arm us for the next week. We need those dear brothers and sisters in Christ, those who share our true values more than anyone else, to encourage us and to encourage them. I'm so thankful for my family in Christ.

At the jail last time our speaker talked about how those of us who are believers are more family than the people with whom we share relatives. It's really true. God has given me some wonderful sisters and brothers in Christ that share an eternal relationship that will never be taken away. It's so beautiful. Those eternal relationships are such a gift!

Oh how my heart breaks for friends and family that have wandered from the Lord, or never found their way home to Him. How easy it is to be an intellectual and puffed up in our own eyes. How terrible to be underestimating our Holy God.

Are you humbling yourself before His throne? Are you juggling the forces that keep you from Him? Throw away those chains!

He is ever and only the thing that satisfies.

Yes, it is a spiritual transaction. It requires giving all, and yet it is a free gift. It requires you to choose, yet it is initiated by the Holy Spirit. It is full of deepest meaning, yet simplest of assents. It is a journey that promises everything good, and saves from everything bad.

The Holy God keeps his omnipotent promises. Wait until your eyes will be opened to His everlasting goodness.

Is your unwillingness to see and accept Him for Himself holding someone dear to you from ever knowing Him at all? Think about it.

Who is your God? Who is your god?

Can you find Him in all of Scripture?

There is such an urgency. Read the Puritans and their thoughts in their preserved writings. Their sense of who God is was so pure and holy.

I think we are tempted to find God less than that more easily in 2020. The devil just laughs.

Don't revert to coping mechanisms. Preach truth and truth alone. Pray hard. Don't let petty grievances against anyone blind you from their need for Jesus.

Repent, daily, and ask the Lord to create in you a clean heart, renew a right spirit within you. Let Him point out to you those things that must be taken care of in your heart and life. Obey Him.

My heart is crying tonight for many people I know who are struggling with knowing God, trying to make Him into their own image. I weep.

And I'm tired. I feel like I'm a warrior that has been wounded and tired from battle. It's only because of concern, but still it weighs me down.

I sense the closeness of Christ's return. I hope it is soon, yet my heart quakes for those who will face such tribulation in these last years before Christ begins His kingdom on earth. Revelation spells it out for us. We will be with Him in that 1,000 year reign.

What can you do to help someone see the urgency of the times we are in?

Pray, go, tell.


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