"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Wednesday, February 5, 2020


Did you watch it last night?

High drama, beyond belief----I thought it must have been quite the experience to be live at the SOTU last night.

The emotion was sky-high, whether it was hatred, fear, disdain, sweetness, surprise, love, and pride.

It was human drama played out, and I'm thinking this is all just beginning.

The swamp is getting drained, we think.

Politics are supposed to be boring. I felt they were much of my growing up. Last night wasn't boring. It was historical. Whatever your persuasion the events of Feb 4, 2020 will go down in political history.

And no one spoke a word about it at work today. Not a word.

I think the nation is in shock. Shock at the petty hate of Pelosi. Shock at the display we witnessed. I have felt that each of President Trumps SOTUs have been memorable. This one was theatrical drama.

I still wonder about Donald Trump's true loyalties. Hey, I'm the one who needs to see a transformed life committed to serving Christ and hating sin to believe that one is truly born again. God knows the heart, but I make my own call. I'm praying for you if you are showing signs of being swept into the deception of the age.

I hope you'd pray that for me, too.

How quickly we can be enamored with a movement, spiritual or political! We can skip down the merry (broad) path to destruction and never look back.

We must always work out our salvation with fear and trembling. Is that an oxymoron? Salvation is a gift, not of works, lest any man should boast! But what an admonition to question our true walk with Christ. What are we showing to the world and to each other? Do we even care?

Are we selfish narcissists?

Let's ask ourselves that and allow the Holy Spirit to work His cleansing ways in our hearts.

For now I am thankful for a pro-life President, a President who values Israel, and seems to be clearing out the globalist cabal (aka swamp/deep state). What an amazing time to be alive.


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