"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Monday, February 24, 2020

The Empty Suit of Christianity

Definitions are in order today.


Satan has been attacking the church since its inception.
Christianity is the religion that claims Christ is the way to salvation.
The term "Christianity" has been so broadened that it is hard to define what it truly means.

Here are some ideas that we must bring into bearing:
Christianity is supposed to believe the claims of the written Scriptures, the Bible.
Christianity is not a denomination, it is a belief.
What are the core tenets of Christianity?

God made the earth
Jesus is God
Jesus died on the cross for our sins to pay the penalty of them
Jesus rose again
Jesus is the Messiah
The church should be following the covenants of God set forth in both Old and New Testaments
Faith is not works
Grace is sufficient
Works do not save

And I like to add: God defines Himself.

Because people refuse to read their Bibles, cut out or ignore the parts they don't like, listen to the serpent hiss that "God didn't really mean that...." ----we have a REAL problem.

It all started ages ago with the early church deviating from the Old Testament faith. This is the basis for true Christianity. As Edith Schaeffer says: "Christianity is Jewish." Jesus is Jewish. Jesus kept the feasts, He was JEWISH.

Now, for the WORD of God. Is it reliable? Yes. A Thousand times, Yes.

The Jewish people, the people of the Book, accurately preserved the Word of God for thousands of years. There is no argument with the veracity of the Old Testament. You can argue the merits of the stories in the OT, but you must agree it is the most reliable text in the history of mankind.

The New Testament is also historically reliable. I have read dozens of books and seen documentaries that prove its historicity. No other ancient texts compare with it.

The question is not whether it is reliable, but whether you believe it. Will you argue with Scripture? Will you refuse its veracity (say it's all allegory?) or believe it as God's written word to mankind?

The Progressive Church is guilty of the the former.
The mainline church denominations are guilty of the former.
The Roman Catholic church is guilty of the former.
Cults are guilty of the former.

And your spirit tells you honestly that this is TRUE. You know it. Your precious conscience is telling you that GOD'S WORD IS TRUE.

Therefore, if your faith doesn't sort of look Jewish you are probably following a false gospel. Jesus told Peter that what was unclean was made clean----we must remember that story---but the truth is that the Jewish faith has the roots of faith in Jesus Christ. He is the Messiah.

We need not eat kosher, keep the feasts, etc. etc., but we must recognize that it is not out of line to practice these things. These things don't save, but they do form the foundation for God's kindness toward mankind.

There are movements that take this altogether too seriously, and I do not agree with them. I do see the benefits of eating kosher, of keeping Sabbath, of keeping the feasts. Those are obvious to me. These ordinances do not save. They simply point to the saving faith of trusting in Jesus Christ. He fulfills the law.

Come out from the darkness of organized religion and come into the light of faith in Jesus Christ. It is so freeing, so wonderful, so satisfying.

Stop justifying your sin and your doubt in God. God is a righteous judge. He hates sin. You must repent, as Jesus Commands.

The hyper grace movement is a lie. You must repent.

Why not follow Christ's commands? Why not be baptized? Why not humble yourself? Why not follow Him and make fishers of men? Why not watch for His return?

These things are Christ's very commands. "He who loves me keeps my commandments."

I don't care what background you have, you must turn away from sin and follow the Savior.

The most insidious movement today is the one that has infiltrated formerly solid seminaries and "Christian" colleges. Harvard and Yale were once "Christian" colleges. It is a sad truth that even recently there are hardly any institutions that truly claim the word of God is true, infallible, and inerrant. There are moles of unbelief in every Bible department in the country.

The professors of most subjects have worn the mortar boards of liberal theology and the societies of global building. Think about it! They have swallowed the philosophies of the world hook, line, and sinker. The devil laughs.

The masons of a global order love their pomp and circumstance. They pop those mortar boards on every head, christian or whatever...

They don't believe in the devil, or eternal hell. They don't believe in infallible truth. They don't believe in the God of the Bible. They call it myth. They are puppets in a global trend toward an earthly kingdom under a false Christ. They call themselves "divine" aligning themselves with spiritual darkness.

We are NOT divine. We are creations, wrought by the Divine Creator. He alone is divine. IF you believe the Bible you will see that. We have eternal souls for heaven or hell, but we are NOT divine. That is what Satan thought. He would be god. He has spread that lie far and wide.

Call these teachers of darkness out.

Fool me once, fool me twice....

Some of us were fooled, and some of us still are.

The time is growing short. Are you ready to meet Jesus in the air?

So we then shall be with Him.

I beg you, do not wait. Your life, humbled before God, could be such a testimony.

Dear friends and believers, ask your shepherds if they have been listening to the lies of Progressive Christianity, (formerly known as emergent, perhaps) the Social Gospel (social justice movement) and strange spirits. Test the spirits in your congregation. Test their testimony, the things they hold to, the ideas they espouse. You are possibly in a cult.

Test them, dear ones. We are facing a dark age ahead.

Are you in the ark of knowing Jesus as your savior?

Come out from the age that is upon us, distinguish those "empty suits" with the spirit of the age from the power of the HOLY SPIRIT.


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