"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Stop and Think

The detention room at the school where I teach is called the "Stop and Think" room. I try to keep kids out of it as much as possible, (it is what the title suggests, and sometimes it's like a reward instead of a punishment) but every once in awhile I need a break from some unwelcome behavior and I send the kid packing...

Stopping and thinking right about now is a good idea for everyone.

Prophecy watchers are always interpreting current events in light of Scripture and its predictions. Many are guilty of coming down decisively on things which is somewhat easy to do but always inappropriate. We are watchers. We don't make the call on whether or not something fulfills prophecy. God does, and sometimes it isn't apparent until years after an event.

We interpret, and we watch.

I'm watching right now: Coronavirus (you aren't hearing everything), the heavens (massive changes---Betelgeuse, asteroids, planet intersections, stars colliding, weird gravitational forces, magnetic pole change, chemtrails, Barium, Strontium...), the earth is quaking (if you frequent the USGS site that measures earth activity you will be struck by the increase in size and frequency of earthquake activity), and what about US politics? What about European politics? What about the New World Order and its commencement?

These things are all clearly delineated in God's Word. He warned us.

Can it get worse? You betcha.

We aint seen nuthin yet.

God's wrath is fearsome to behold. HE will pour out judgment on the earth and there will be a "week" of judgment, seven years, Jacob's trouble, the Great Tribulation, Daniel's 70th week-----whatever you want to call it-----where fearsome things will occur.

We're only getting started.

As someone who puts her faith in Jesus Christ I watch with interest because I KNOW that my redemption draws nigh. Jesus Himself told us that "when these things begin to occur LOOK UP! Your redemption draws nigh."

I'm not sticking around for the wrath of God. Jesus paid that price for me on the cross.

Expect persecution to increase. The Devil is busy right now, lots on his mind. His minions are busily preparing for their role in this foretold drama about to unfold.

Manifestations are already happening. The supernatural veil is thinning, and people are being torn away from truth and sucked toward evil.

How about that Super Bowl half time show? Full of occult symbolism, sexual innuendo, wickedness, and if you said "whatever---" you'd better wake up and smell the coffee. That garbage was a thumb in the nose to our society. We have gone to the other side away from goodness, righteousness, and the true light of the world. If you could excuse it you had better examine your heart and work out your salvation with fear and trembling.

I did not watch it, but even the descriptions of it were disgusting. Lewdness gags. I'm a sinner with as much sin as anyone, but there are things that I cannot stomach, and blatant occult activity is one of them. WAKE UP, PEOPLE.

The saddest thing for me is seeing people who profess to be Christ-followers justify that sort of thing. I'm calling it. There is nothing to justify in evil.

Time is too short to waste on being wishy-washy. Judgment is coming. Either you are like Lot's wife, who turned back (perhaps sought to keep one foot in Sodom) and became, like Sodom, a pillar of salt, or you are like Lot, who was compelled by the angels to flee.

Hang on to your angels right now. Hang on the Christ. Purge the sin in your heart and flee this sin-sick world.

Jesus saves. The Gospel is truly your only hope. Are you born again?

Call out to God to save your soul. SOS!

I heard a report yesterday from Derek Gilbert that the Coronavirus may infect 2/3rds of the world population. You do the math on that. Of that number 20% may die. Do the math. Amir Tsarfati is reporting things you are not hearing on your televisions. China is saving face by trying to downplay the actual numbers. On Twitter there are video clips of people passing out ----dead----on the streets or in public places. This pestilence is nothing to poo-poo.

You need to be right with the LORD right now. Time is up.

My brother was killed instantly in October by a drunk driver. My parents and I are still processing that sudden loss in our lives. It comes up in unexpected moments, bringing such sadness.

Death can come at any time.

Are you sure of your salvation? Do you know where you will spend eternity?

Too much universalism is afoot these days. The Bible uses the word eternity, not Purgatory, not anything else... You will spend eternity apart from God unless you repent and follow Christ.

Apart from  God is eternal hell.

I'm just reporting. Don't kill the messenger! (But I know where I am going, by the grace of God!)

GET RIGHT WITH GOD. Renounce your allegiances to evil and align yourself with God's grand plan.

Even you are loved by the One who created you.

There is an urgency like never before. You must be born again.


Father, I am a sinner! I have disobeyed you over and over. I am sorry for sinning against you!
Please come into my heart and life, cleanse me from my sin! I put my trust and belief in You, Dear God! Thank you for coming in and being with me! I believe in you, I trust you, I follow you! I believe that Jesus died for my sin, that He rose again, and that HE is coming again! Holy Spirit, fill me with your power that I might serve you for the rest of my days here on earth. Help me daily to turn from sin. I repent from sin in my life. I turn away from it. Help me to fight this battle, Lord. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.

Or pray what you will. Repent, believe.

He who loves me keeps my commands, he it is who loves me----Jesus Christ. Yeshua. The Messiah.

Am I scaring you into the kingdom? Good. There is a lot of scary on this earth. The only true peace comes from Christ. Whatever you have been following that is apart from Christ is a lie and leads to death. Spiritual death. It's time to make that decision for Jesus. 

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