"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Warfare, Spiritual

I don't like to write at night, but today has been interesting and I feel the need to vent about the world for a few minutes.

After all, today is a significant day. My husband actually mentioned the possibility of his being called up to active duty looking like, well, a possibility. It would probably take an act of congress, and he is pretty old right now, but with the way things are going in our world WHO KNOWS?!

I don't have my head in the sand, but I am not watching ANY of the letter channels on television. I refuse to be a fear-monger, and I think the mainstream media are very complicit with promoting fear. That said, I DON'T want to inflict fear, but awareness.

I really think we are going to see a time of spiritual mayhem until the Rapture.

So how are you going to deal with it?

Spiritual warfare is something hinted at in Scripture. Jesus dealt with it, gave us a glimpse of it in his conversations with Satan after his fasting period. Jude mentions Michael, the angel, in a struggle----not of flesh and blood.

I don't understand the heavenly battles. I can only imagine them, but I think they are ramping up right now. I see people who I think should know better approving looting, rioting, and theft. Their thinking is really off.

I saw a meme of Jesus overturning the tables in the temple justifying the looting and destruction. Can people be so misguided and blind to the truth of Scripture to accuse Jesus of such sin?

Jesus was pitching out those who did not belong there. The money-changers and sellers of animals were NEVER supposed to be in the temple. Jesus was policing the area for His Father's purposes!

I wrote about racism yesterday. This rioting we are seeing isn't really about racism. Peaceful protests are the veneer for a Marxist-driven movement to take down the USA. We who have studied this philosophy recognize it for what it really is: don't let a crisis go to waste.

Fascism and communism are cut from the same cloth. Both want total control, both are godless, both are oppressive. Antifa is organizing the mayhem that is forcing President Trump to use a more forceful means of protection for the American people.


Take a minute to go over the Republican Platform 2016, the one that I voted for that year. I had no good opinion of Donald Trump (I do now!) but I agreed with this platform almost wholly. I voted for it. Donald Trump was a wild card, and I've been amazed at all he has done with a horrible opposition the entire length of his time in office. It's remarkable. I think he is actually going after real criminals at the highest levels. I think he has exposed some awful realities about government and its tentacles of corrupt power. He's not yet a globalist, not part of the Deep State, and he's been doing wonders implementing pro-life legislation and getting fair, constitutional judges into key positions.


If he is really the Antichrist, (as I've heard some suggest) duping us all who look for the spiritual side of everything, he's certainly checking off all the right boxes for Christians who identify as conservative. Believers don't need to worry about identifying the Antichrist since we'll be gone by then. Those that come to Christ after the Rapture may benefit from learning how to recognize him. I think the angels in Revelation 14 will warn those who are still softened to following Christ.

But now, in the present we see the apostasy of the church on full display.

I've watched the last of the Bible Belt drift left over the past 3 decades. Social Justice, Sustainability, Mindfulness, Race Theory, are all code for LEFT.

Don't be taken in by the shibboleth of the intellectual elite. They use these code words to identify each other and talk condescendingly to the old-fashioned fundamentalists who simply believe God in His Word and take Him seriously. We don't try to define God in our own image, but we believe His own account.

I identify with the awkward folk who simply believe, who look for Jesus, and who see the hope for the world in Christ alone. I know too many would-be-do-gooders who do nothing but criticize us Bible "nerds" for sticking to Scripture.

We are looking for the face of Jesus, who loves us in all of our awkward geekiness. After all, rejection drives us to the one who truly loves.

When you've found Him you cannot leave. His love is too sweet, too wonderful, to compromise.

No, we are not "cool." We are the equivalent of the thralls that have mud on their faces, despicable, maligned. We are called names and made fun of.

Yes, it smarts, it stings. But we're used to it. We know a transformation is coming. All of our sins will be forgotten, our blemishes and stains removed----

We win, spiritually.

It is this driving force, more powerful beyond any other, that motivates us to share the power and love of Jesus Christ. He is coming soon. He has shed His blood for your sin.

Precious story, never old, always relevant.

The demons are clawing at your spiritual eyes and ears. They do not want you to answer the prompting of the Holy Spirit. He prompts. You must answer. He knocks, you must open the door.

The protection of Christ and his angelic hosts await you. Warfare may be raging this week, but you are covered in God's protection. He knows your days. He ordained them. Will you trust Him with your time here on earth?

It's like six seconds compared to eternity. Can you give him your seconds?

Truly, I believe Jesus is coming for His bride VERY SOON. I hope so, at the very least. Are we not ready for Him? He loves you, dear one!

Is your house in order? (I'm always behind on that!)

Who needs to be shaken into spiritual truth? Who do you need to tell?

I've spent my whole life trying to let people know. My heart aches at the persistent blindness all around me, both from people who profess to be followers of Jesus and those who reject Him outright. It's hard to see that. I get it.

Jesus knows the hurt. Jesus know the need. (Dallas Holme had a song about that)

Maybe I'll try to find that song for you tonight.

Come, Lord Jesus. Even so, come quickly. 

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