"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Friday, June 12, 2020

What it Boils Down To

Watching the events of the last 6 months, starting with the horrible Australian fires in January, I have been increasingly aware of the truth of Scripture and its claims.

We are seeing things that are "unprecedented" as life moves on.

Those that poo-poo ANYTHING that is "unusual" as a claim that Biblical prophecy is being fulfilled are increasingly admitting that perhaps SOMETHING is going on in our world.

Those of us watchers are completely enthralled with the prospect of seeing Jesus soon.

That is what it is all about.

Scripture is true. When you have abandoned the "Critical Theory" (Marxist/Jesuit) view you are left with the bare facts of the Word of God, unarguable, indisputable, face value, truth.

That is where I stand.

I'm not immune from theology, and though I have a low opinion of it I recognize its necessity. Doctrine matters.

I know we are products of our upbringing, and mine, thankfully, was one of "Dispensationalist Light."

It's the theological view that makes the most sense BIBLICALLY.

Get a copy of a systematic theology like Charles Ryrie's, or Wayne Grudem's. Tell me your arguments against them and I will likely have a pretty good response, not because I'm so smart, but because this view is so easy to defend and understand.

Isn't systematic a trigger word these days?  Wait------systemic-----that's the word.

Systemic racism. Sin that you cannot forgive or escape.

Sounds like the human condition, right? We are all born in sin.

We all need to repent. Until the world finds Jesus there will be systemic sin: pornography, hatred, anger, pride, gluttony, ----name your favorite besetting sin.

And there are just too many people in love with their sin and willing to redefine God to dwell in it instead of repenting.

Satan is certainly a powerful foe, but one must die to self if there is any hope of defeating him. That and complete and full trust in God.

Confess ----Repent

Simple, yet profound, the answer to all of life's questions for all people, everywhere.

God's Word IS true, and you can test it infinitely. You can't change it, though, and that is the problem with "Critical Theory." It tries to bring Marxism into the scope and sequence of Christianity and that simply doesn't fit.

I see those that I care for blinded by their own idolatry. They think they are following Christ, but they are following a figment of their imagination: an idol.

God does not condone sin in any form, and if you are justifying it you are in mortal danger.

God forgives, but you must confess and repent from your sin!

The theology of the hyper-grace movement (no repentance) is problematic. I loved someone who adhered to that and I wonder if he is in heaven to this day. Only God knows. I hope.

Why would you gamble on your eternal life?

I guess theology does matter, but knowing Scripture and OBEYING it is probably safer ground to stand on. Understanding Christ's commands is key to living a life that loves Jesus.

"He that keeps my commands, he it is that loves me."

Have you ever thought of doing a study on Christ's commands? Several people have written studies on them. I encourage you to find one of those studies or do your own research in Scripture. Jesus did give lots of direction.

Wouldn't you consider His words? His suggestions-----his commands?

There isn't a lot of time left. We are facing the last days. America is disappearing from the narrative, just like Bible prophecy indicates, and we are gone like a puff of smoke or a lily of the field.

That's Biblical.

Are you ready to see Jesus? Are you ready for Justice?

(By the way, don't qualify that word. There is no need. Justice is coming, and justice is God's)

Why aren't you sharing Christ?
Why aren't you sharing Scripture?
Why aren't you watching? (Watching for Jesus earns a literal crown in heaven. It's the easiest crown to receive! Why wouldn't you try for it?! My friend and I laugh-----at least we've got that one!)

If you knew that Jesus was coming today, what would you do?

People need the LORD, and you need to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with EVERYONE.

Don't be afraid. The Holy Spirit will stand with you, filling you with His power and His words!

You must share out of love for Christ!

Don't you know that Jesus is the only answer to racism, the world's problems, your own sin-sick soul?


And watch......

He is coming SOON!


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