"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Friday, April 5, 2013

Listening to...

This week has had an added perk of hearing some great preaching.

Dr. David Jeremiah was in town last night, and Ed got to go with his grandparents to a well-filled Target Center to hear him speak. The report was good. I wish I could have gone, but alas, the Northern Lights Chorale concert is just 3 weeks hence! We had rehearsal.

But I have been blessed to hear a series of messages on CD by Dr. David Larson, professor emeritus of Trinity Seminary.  He gave these talks up at Camp Shamineau to a group of seniors last September.

If I could, I'd put them on here for people to access, but I'm not sure it's legal. I haven't got permission. Can I say that you should beg, borrow, or.......... to get them!

Everyone who hears them wants copies.

I'm thankful for his strong, clear message, given with his classic wit.

I'll try to do something about sharing them. For now, I'm just glad I can be ENCOURAGED and EXHORTED by such a great speaker.

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