"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Monday, October 28, 2019

You are Not Safe

A few weeks ago I had an altering experience with some liberals.

I didn't realize how unsafe I was until I was into the situation too far. I ended up dissolved in tears, completely clueless of the nature of the hatred directed toward me.

Of course I took it personally, initially. Then I thought it through for weeks, wondering how I could have been such a lightening rod for such hatred.

Then it hit me. I prayed for the Lord to reveal to me the essence of the attack, and He did.

I had forgotten a key verse in Scripture: Matthew 10:22 "You will be hated by all for my name's sake."


"Who did you vote for?!"

Twice I've been asked that question with accusing hatred. I've tried to answer in a nonconfrontational manner, both times, but the initial hatred is so incredibly astonishing, it stabs to the heart!

I even asked for forgiveness......because that is what I do......

Yes, I voted for Trump. I like that he is pro-life, pro-Israel, and anti-deep state. I believe Hillary Clinton is connected to witchcraft/rebellion/feminism/occult things. I could not in good conscience vote for such evil. Trump was my only option. Only.

I'm pretty sensitive, and if you confront me I will do almost anything to make it right. I want you to be happy, and I want no dispute with anyone.

Politics, philosophy of life, faith issues have driven wedges between people, my people, and I am needing to become thick-skinned as I am accused of things pertaining to my beliefs.

Am I willing to die for Jesus? I hope so, by the power of the Holy Spirit. I certainly must die to self, and being attacked is just the training I'm receiving.

When I hold views that are Biblical in nature---morally speaking, righteousness related, following the commands of Christ---and they are offensive to people, I can do nothing but retreat and pray.

I'm not yet ready to go on the offensive, but I probably shouldn't be underestimated.

Conviction of sin is a real thing, and when someone is under conviction you never know how they will lash out.

Be aware. Be safe. Watch out.

I've been fortressing. I'm licking my wounds and I'm looking to my Commander in Chief.

You will be hated.

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