"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Monday, March 9, 2020

Are We There Yet?

We are on the road to Christ's return.

As I fold sheets and towels in the quiet of the backroom at the Hotel late at night I listen to people like John Haller and JD Farag, Jan Markell and her guests, and Gary Stearman and his guests. I get about five or six perspectives on current events in light of Bible prophecy.

(I listen to my TED talks too, and podcasts for my masters classes. I'm more interested in Bible prophecy, so I gravitate toward that as my mind gets weary toward the end of the day...)

I hear these watchmen talk about the signs of our times and how they compare with Jesus' warnings about the end times. I've been watching for years and years, since I was a child! I know what to watch for, and I can assure you that we are definitely seeing SIGNS.

The Bible is a supernatural book. It was written by the God who created communication. To see a book written over thousands of years carry a master plot line can only mean miraculous. The Bible is a master work of the Master.

It is complete, and it is enough. It is sufficient. We need no other text: the Old Testament lays the foundation and the New Testament witnesses the fulfillment.

God loves us, He has a master plan.

I encourage you to spend hours daily in the Word. You won't regret it. Few people do spend that amount of time in the Word, but if you could...

Jesus is coming. He's coming in the air to take His own, then He is coming to earth to reign for 1,000 years with us, his followers. That is all in Scripture.

There will be some terrible times ahead before He reigns on earth. God's wrath is coming against the rebellion that is on the earth.

Satan's kingdom will take a hit.

We are not appointed unto wrath. This is a great and hopeful promise. Persecution and trial, yes, but not wrath. The Church, the family of Christ, has been persecuted for 2,000 years. Some have calculated that the 20th and 21st centuries saw more persecution of Christians than any other time in history---even over the Inquisition and the time of Nero.

I believe it. I sit in my warm and cozy little Minnesota home and I don't even want to imagine the horrors of Boko Haram and China. I want to believe in my Victorian ideas and sweet kindness of Christian Brotherhood.

It's true that I have a delightful situation, and I THANK GOD FOR IT!

I am completely aware of the blessing. I am completely aware that God rewards those who are persecuted for His name's sake, too. That's a blessing I'll probably not experience (and, honestly, I don't want to.) Jesus prayed that the cup (of His death) pass from Him. He bravely faced the cross. Still, He did pray for a consideration of a way out. I too pray for God's mercy, but I know His grace is sufficient.

As we face a form of the prophesied pestilence in the form of the Wuhan virus we know that whatever happens we TRUST the God of the Universe, Creator and Sustainer. He is enough, and always will be. Our tremendous hope and strength is there for us through all trouble.

I believe this virus is only a precursor to far more deadly plagues. This one is deadly, but there are things to come that wipe out large portions of the earth's population.

Can you see God's hand in this? Can you see that He is bringing His plot to its climax? He is still orchestrating His story. History.

Are you ready?

Death is permanent. Once your body is in the grave you are fixed in an eternal state. It is appointed unto men once to die and after that THE JUDGMENT.

Be covered in the blood of the Lamb. You don't deserve it, no one does, but it is the free gift for those who believe. Repent from your sin (as Jesus commands) and follow Him.

Can God be more explicit in showing His Word to be Truth? The signs are happening, with greater frequency. Start studying Bible prophecy! It's not scary, it's hope-giving! When these things happen LOOK UP! Your redemption draws nigh!

We are truly almost there.

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