"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Media Hype

I'm not one to judge or even give welcome advice. I've learned that!

I would like to caution my dear ones not to listen to the steady stream of fear-mongering that is the mainstream media. They are succeeding in spreading derangement syndrome far and wide.

I listen to the fear in the voices of those I love and I am frustrated by their refusal to turn off that voice of the Deceiver.

How easy it is to forget that those figures on Television are piece and parcel to the whims of the devil. They are not objective. They are not offering comfort. They are sowers of dissent. Information can be presented in ways that offer comfort or fear. They choose fear.

There is no doubt that this Corona virus from Wuhan has disrupted the entire world. Many are dying.
We all need to be cautious and help the effort to stop or slow it, to flatten the curve.

My dear German friends are so concerned for all the cases of Covid-19 in the USA.  We Americans are used to our freedom and we don't like to subject ourselves to rules much. Germans are much better at that as a culture. We will see many more cases here in the USA than in South Korea or Germany. The USA is more like Italy and Spain with its freer style of life. Viruses like that.

We at Corgi Hollows are pretty much doing just what the regulations advise.

We are thankful to be able to outside a lot. We have trees to chop up!

Our elders are safe at home, doing exactly what the doctor ordered. We've had no sign of sickness other than the normal spring stuff.

Remember, more people do recover from this pandemic than die. The ones that die make us worry, we ask why should so-and-so pass when he seemed healthy? Maybe you or I will be next to get the germ. How will we react to it? I know personally several people who have Covid 19 and are recovering. I have only heard of the ones dying.

I hope that we all can come through this, living.

What a call to come to Jesus! Jesus saves! We are at liberty to petition Him for protection and help while facing the troubles of this day. We can trust His promises of eternal life in light of anything that happens.

Do not live in fear. Watch and wait, but do not believe the Deceiver.

Turn off the television. Bad habits are hard to break, but perhaps this pandemic is the key to doing it! 

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