"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Tuesday, March 24, 2020


In the netherlands of sleep and wakefulness this morning I saw a bleak scene.

All of the sadness of China, Italy, New York, clips of grief as people lose loved ones flooded my mind.

I am a pessimist, gladly, as I usually find life far better than I imagine, but my thoughts were definitely dark in my dream.

As a prophecy watcher I read about things that would curl your hair. Many people shy from prophecy because of this. I maintain that we have a Blessed Hope, and that is comforting, reassuring, necessary to keep on.

When all else fails: Jesus.

In the face of a pandemic we ALL should be questioning EVERYTHING.

There is an option: head in sand.

Here are some of the appeasements and hype that flood my mind:

Death rates, children getting bad head colds, organs shutting down, chloroquine, compromised immune systems, elderly, social media despair, lack, fear, hopelessness, politics, hatred, immorality, Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), Democrat criminality, abortion---child sacrifice, pedophilia, Lucifer

Face it. Don't run from it.

Your immorality separates you from God. Sin is a problem. The solution to sin was given to us, a gospel that was written in the stars, JESUS, Lamb of God, slain for us.

Our sin was so bad that God Himself had to sacrifice Himself for it. Jesus, God's only begotten Son, came for us. All He asks of us is to believe  and trust Him. It is a free gift, freely bestowed.

I have no earthly idea how this virus from Wuhan will affect us. How can we know?

A vaccine is a year out, far too late. To those who mock anti-vaxxers I say watch the movie "Vaxxed" and start to listen to those millions of people (myself included) who were harmed by vaccinations. If you haven't listened to their stories keep your mouth shut. There are two sides to this issue.

I was vaccinated for small pox, for polio, for measles, etc. So were my children. I am not entirely anti-vaccination. I call for a reasonable argument against the Big Pharma craziness that stipulates dozens of vaccinations that have horrible side-affects for thousands of people. Vaccinations should certainly be optional.

Risks should be individual. We still live in a free country, right?

Freedom is only an illusion, and we are subject to the freedom to obey laws. Our country has become a cabal of administrative law, and we are in shackles. It is only through Christ alone that we have freedom, and that will be under His divine law, in His kingdom, with Him.

I see a place of pure joy ahead, and that is where my sights are set.

Whether death or rapture bring me to that fellowship with my Savior I trust His power and grace to keep me until that day.

Have you shared that only hope with someone? If you have it, have you made an effort to confess Jesus before men?

Your religion will not save you. God's grace is freely given. If you have believed a falsehood based on anything other than God's Word it is not too late to repent and trust Him alone.

I am happy to report that many in jail have made that change. They once put trust in themselves, now they see how Jesus is the ANSWER, Jesus alone.

Rules and regulations can help us, but the sin-sick soul will always fail. We need the Lord Jesus to help us, to forgive us.

I am reading the Bjorn books again after 40 years. "Papa's Wife" is a cute story, but I am interested in the old Scandinavian fundamentalism that is portrayed in these books. There is an element of respect for it, but also a realization that it had little effect on the unsaved soul. The strict rules of a fundamentalist Swedish preacher were revered, believed, adhered to------and the life that sprung out of that was exemplary.

We mock such stern ideas today.

If only we  could return to such times of innocence. The sweetness of young love, of hard work, of cleanliness and good comfort.

No. It's too late. We have those who believe in Jesus and His unchanging Word and those who don't. We have those who believe in Universalism and those who don't. We have those who compromise on moral standards and those who don't.

If your hackles are up with that last statement you know who you are.

It's truly black and white.

There's forgiveness.

There's a balm in Gilead to heal the sin-sick soul.

Right now it is not too late.

Next week it may be.

If my body is in a coffin next week you can bury me knowing that my soul is with Jesus. I stand on Christ's promises.


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