"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Two Views

Here we sit at Corgi Hollows, in the center of the continent, far from the big outbreaks of COVID-19.

And yet we are affected, and waiting with suspense. We know it is just a matter of time before a droplet of virus comes into contact with us, and what will happen then?

We know, without a doubt, that the economic effect is real. I am not working as a substitute, nor at the hotel (much) anymore. The hotel is virtually empty, the main staff are all that are needed, except for the occasional break.

School is still happening, albeit very altered. Spring break is to be three weeks long. I'm trying to write my project. Tomorrow I'll be able to think about it, right?

I know many who have lost their jobs, even if it is temporarily. We hope it is temporary.

Actually, as I sit here I'm more sure of this than anything: Jesus Christ is our only, surest hope.

He can protect us from a severe case of the corona virus. He can provide income. He can preserve our loved ones. He can restore the country, the world. He can give, and He can take away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.

Loss is a part of this sin-sick world.

It's nice to know that we have our residence in heaven, ultimately with the LORD.

I imagine heaven to be a place of satisfying productivity. I think that there will be color and taste and peaceful joy at all times. I imagine seeing the face of my Lord, Jesus Christ and worshiping Him.

I imagine getting ready for the return to earth, loving on those horses, happy with everyone.

As these unimagined events unfold around us I am reminding myself that this is what we knew was coming. Perhaps not exactly like this, but in this vein. We are seeing a crisis unfold. We are at its mercy with no control over the outcome. We are in God's hands.

I don't know how we'll be even next week---you see older people talk about surviving, younger people dying. This virus is unpredictable to some extent. We all know that the elderly are vulnerable, those with immune systems compromised.

Ed and I were chatting about the oncology ward at the children's hospital. We speculated what was going on there right now, picturing it as we believe it may be: no visitors, cooked food delivered, incredible protocol strictly followed.

We count our blessings that cancer isn't happening right now for us. Still, I wonder about immune systems around here...

Then I focus on the Lord and His promises. Perhaps not to preserve in this life, but certainly to give eternal life. We know our days are already numbered.

God knows our days, and we trust in Him.

So, I have two views right now: some concern, some peace. My concerned view is simply acknowledging the trial our world is experiencing. I'm sorrowing in my spirit that I know people who are living unrepentant lives. I grieve their difficulties ahead, pray for their salvation, hope for their eternity.

My peace is that WHATEVER COMES we know God is in control. He has us in His hands.

When I read about William Tyndale and the many others burned at the stake with their Bibles bound around their necks I am horrified. The barbarian acts of the human soul are awful to think about. They go on in this age, horror upon horror. God knows. Justice comes.

But many suffer, and perhaps you or I will. Face it. We are not guaranteed freedom from such persecution.

I pray for the deliverance, the Blessed Hope of our Savior appearing to catch us away for the bridal feast week. "Where I am, there you will be also!" Made perfect in a twinkling of an eye.

But we will wait on that beautiful day. It could be the midnight cry tonight...

Should persecution come for us we know that the peace that passeth all understanding is ours. We lay claim to it. We know that God's grace is always sufficient.

Hold on, fellow believer. We have been watching, and we know that "these things are coming to pass."

What does Jesus tell us to do then? "Look up, for your redemption draws nigh."

Be encouraged. Be born again. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind.

Wait. Just wait.

It's happening.

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