"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Sunday Thoughts

I have still to do my paper due tonight. Mental blockage today....cost and benefit analysis is just a little dry when the world needs Jesus....

I know that my blog is a "broken record" of saying over and over again "you need Jesus" but I try to say it in different ways, as I know there are too many people who are searching for truth in all the wrong places.

I was at the nursing home this morning. Our preacher, Dennis, talked about heaven. We sang old hymns about heaven, and a lovely young girl sang "Give Me Jesus." She had sung it for her school choral contest.

What a blessing.

As we left the nursing home I had the macabre thought that this Coronavirus could easily affect those dear old tired faces I see every month. Heaven is truly their only hope. They are not leaving the nursing home. Dennis and I commiserated about how the New Age is infiltrating the church. PEOPLE ARE SO BLIND! They are too frightened to call it out!

There is an urgency to our telling. This next generation simply does not know about Jesus! They have all of these strange ideas about esoteric experiences, social justice, and new age contamination. It's in the church.

Those that have escaped from the New Age are sounding the alarm! Look up Doreen Virtue's new stuff. She's been born again. She has such a testimony! Look up Steven Bancarz too. What a story!

I know it is irritating to constantly be on the watch, constantly evaluating every thought and idea!

We get worn down, and the devil knows this. He is deceiving us constantly!

Unless you know your Bible backwards and forwards and can counter parry each serpentine thought that comes your way you may be already in the clutches of a deception.

I know I've been.

It is important to know good doctrine.

It's important to realize that Jesus isn't some eastern mystic (like many of the current thought police suggest!)  Jesus on earth was a Jewish Rabbi. Now he is King of Kings and Lord of Lords, seated at the right hand of the Almighty Father.

So paternalistic!! Yes. Stop trying to redefine God.

Read your Bible (I like the KJV ) and learn of Him. I'm reading the Bible in Spanish right now. It says the same thing my English ones do.

Time is short. Seventy years is a blink of the eye in light of our world history. Israel became a nation again in 1948. Jesus is coming back to rule SOON.

Look around, dear ones. Stand in the truth. It hurts, no question. It is hard to go against the grain of the world, perhaps now more than ever. It seems we are at war even within our churches.

Check out Russ Dizdar. He has some alarming information about psychological warfare within the church. It's time to be watchful, to work out our salvation with fear and trembling. Are you in the ark of salvation, sure that you stand on the promises of Christ in the Bible?

It's easier to be nice and stay ignorant. That's for sure!

The road to destruction starts with ignorance.

You WILL be rejected for telling the truth. I've been.

I won't argue that it is easy. It hurts terribly! But some things are just so much more important. You must let people know Biblical truth.

Follow Jesus, and make sure it's really JESUS and not some spirit claiming to be Him!

Check out Johanna Michaelson's book "The Beautiful Side of Evil." Your eyes will be opened. My friend Elaine says "DON'T READ IT AT NIGHT!"

I think I did, but yes, it is a picture of a false Jesus and how well he deceived a young follower. MUST READING.

Wake up, dear one. Be filled with the Holy Spirit, born again. Follow the One who truly loves you.

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