"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Monday, April 6, 2020

Daily Encouragement

Got the housework in progress, and soon I must hit the books, but I wanted to offer a bit of hope today.

I have been touched by those of you who are reading this blog every day. I've been in contact with people who have looked for explanations and answers to what is happening in the world in light of prophecy.

I'm wanting to challenge you to stand out, to stand up for Christ right now. There is so much fear!

Frankly, there is such a confusing amalgamation of information about this virus that anyone could be cowed by it.

Here is my straight talk as of this week, for those of you who want to stay in touch and walk this path with me. I appreciate you, too! I thank God for you!

Here's what I THINK today: I think the virus was man-made, released by the disease center in Wuhan. I think that it was planned. There are all sorts of references made to this pandemic that you can find (like "China Caught a Cold" and secret society leaks). I think that it is deadly, like SARS or MERS. It could be worse than these, but not much worse. (That, from a German doctor.) I think that this virus is part of a global plan to implement greater control, or launch a "new order." That is from studying prophecy. There are plenty of people who scoff at prophecy. I know. But it sure is handy knowing what the Bible is prophesying when unpacking world events.

Here's what I do not know, or do not want to make an opinion on yet: death tolls. I'm not entirely convinced that the deaths reported were from Covid19 or from something else. Covid 19 may be already in our systems. We may test positive. We may show no symptoms. We may not get sick. Will we get sick? Have we already been sick from it?

Here is something I think: the economy will suffer. It already has. I've seen small businesses that cannot stay afloat with being closed this long. They are shutting permanently. What I don't know is how bad this economic hit will be. It could be terrible. You don't just stop the world from turning for a month and pretend you can press the start button again.

I've been thinking of having a reset button for a lot of things. There were terrible things in practice in the USA and in other countries. Things decay, deteriorate, fester, go bad. Even ideas with the best of intentions are sometimes found to be hollow to the core. And still they sap energy, funding, and effort from more worthy pursuits. It's time to let programs like that evaporate.

We watched "The Young Victoria" last week. There is much to learn from that movie. Albert came into the marriage and found that excessive waste was de rigueur in the queen's home. The dance of politics and outdated codes had been neglected and the young queen needed help. Albert was credited for many wise changes.

Wise changes are absolutely necessary. It's terribly sad when a country is so hateful toward one another (Have you ever seen such hatred before?) that a stalemate is about as good as it gets? This is where a new savior comes in, someone who is at least respected by all, who appeals to unity...

Aren't we ready for this messiah?

The whole world is looking for him.

Communism has failed, caused famine and oppression in every country. Socialism is communism. Capitalism is shunned for colonialism and oppression as well. Young people think that they can trust a totalitarian government more than a monopolistic private enterprise. They listen to their union teachers preach liberal progressivism and globalism daily. Personally, I'd like to see the government regulate such monopolies better instead of letting one or two just take over (like Google or Amazon). Perhaps a new messiah would find that balance between free enterprise and good government.

The stage is set.

Jesus is the only true king, but there is a false one about to take power. Free energy, utopia, for all for the price of a mark. Read about it in Revelation, the last book of the Bible.

In the meantime REPENT. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved. Turn from your wicked ways and follow Him. There isn't much time left.

I hope to get back to work at at least one of my jobs before too long. I haven't been fired yet. My other job has been virtually cancelled. I'm not suffering. I am trying to concentrate on my studies for now. I'm learning.

The house needs my energy, my effort, my time too. It's spring and I need to clean.

I like the idea of cleaning out the yeasts for Passover. It's a good custom. We shouldn't get rid of it.

When Jesus is King there will be economy, temperance, and wisdom. We will be able to trust Him in all things. Never was there such a good, kind, loving, monarch.

Worthy of praise! He is coming!

Maranatha! Come Lord. 

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