"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Power Thoughts

I've really struggled to get back on track with my studies. This week two close friends prayed for me to refocus, and guess what?

Prayer works.

I was able to start a group project, and found out that one of my group members lost two close relatives on Monday to the Covid-19 virus. Such a shock.

Connecting with my fellow students (finally) has revealed how difficult things have become for so many people. I have a hunch that we are beginning to see the tip of the iceberg.

I know that God provides, especially for His own. "I have never seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging for bread."

This isn't "prosperity," people. It's survival UNTIL HE CALLS US HOME.

I keep think about Brother Yun and his miraculous survival in the prisons of China. There is so much power in Christ!

We should never expect riches, nor anything luxurious. God can certainly give all things, good, beyond our imagination (and He has!) yet we are to rely on Him for our needs, and see how He provides.

Because that is what is interesting.

I'm a conservative (duh!) and I love my country, the United States of America. I think that the puritan roots of this place have been long forgotten, yet some of the precious influence still exists in shaping the hearts and minds of us citizens.

I'm totally aware of the influence of Freemasonry, the Illuminati, the Existentialists, Voltaire, Hegel, etc., etc.. That's the stuff I read about. That's stuff I know.

Yet there is this sweet spirit that is so powerful that it pervades even the darkness of philosophy. Jesus Christ, savior, King of Kings is the real truth and power for us, the real and touchable hope. He has blessed so many Americans, and Europeans (although faith is hardly to be found in Europe these days) and there are still those with simple trusting FAITH that have infinitely more POWER than those who have bowed to the spirits of darkness in government and religions.

There is a false power.

Satan does have supernatural power. I believe that a huge percentage of "spiritual power" we witness these days is actually satanic. Or Luciferic. Of the devil, at any rate. He is a deceiver, and that is what he's all about.

We can walk a very fine line here on earth (the strait gate, the narrow path) of actual Truth, and that stems from Christ alone.

I have watched "Christian Celebrities" come and go. Books are published, talks are given, conferences are held...

After 50 years of watching I get rather jaded at all the flash in the pan celebs who trot out their new spiritual wares. Just last night I saw advertised an online conference hosted by NARite Bill Johnson with a host of Big Names with the title of "Q" something or another. Riding of the tails of another "Q" bandied about? Or something else? I can hardly believe Tim Keller wants to hitch with the pro-Trump "Q." Eric Metaxas maybe, but why appear with the bizarre New Age cult of the NAR? Always be on guard. New Age philosophy is as old as the earth. It has crept into the church as a deceiving spirit. Too many are drawn in to its alluring power! This power is certainly supernatural, but it is NOT of God. Those who have been freed from it attest to this.

Watch, therefore, that you may withstand the wiles of the devil.

Actually it is sad so many people run after these teachings and conferences! People are so undiscerning! (Google says that isn't a word. I guess I made it up.)

We have God's Word!

I love scholars who dig for verification of God's Word! Those are my celebrities, and believe me, none of them are the "in" people featured in "Christianity Today" or "Ivy-League Christian Colleges," or any hyped up religious gathering.

WE are the outcasts. Satan doesn't promote us.

We are the no-names, the shunned ones, the ones that get cast aside.

And yet the message is so simple: read your Bible. Weigh each word, cross reference, obey it! Repent from your sins of pride, envy, greed, lust, sloth, anger, and gluttony. Repent from these in your heart and ask God to forgive you! Be filled with His Spirit and walk in His Truth.

Study the commands of Christ. What did He tell his followers to do?

He told them to repent. Believe. Follow. Obey. Honor. Give. LOVE YOUR ENEMIES. The list goes on...

Why don't we just encourage each other to obey the Lord of Lords, the King of Kings?


It's all about the money.

The cow deserves its grain. The pastor deserves his salary. Just compensation is always righteous.
I am turned off by those who make millions in Ponzi schemes and fleecing the vulnerable seekers. It's easy to sell stuff that is easy on the ears (or heart).

Who pays to be insulted or convicted?

The Word of God convicts.

When I write these things I have a relatively small audience. I get only about 100 readers per post. I realize that I have unpopular things to say, but I was reminded (by someone who has to put up with me regularly) that I am an exhorter.

Exhorters are not popular. Ever. They are unloved.

I have never monetized my blog. I sometimes wonder how long I'll be able to write. I'm pretty anti-New World Order. Will the eye of the NWO-Sauron light on me? Eventually. Probably.

I do look for demons under every bush or behind each tree.

I'm suspicious by nature.

I'm suspicious of things I even support! President Trump, for instance. I am so thankful for him and his leadership, his pro-life stance, his pro-Israel stance! I'm thankful for his leadership and desire to get the economy going again----He appears to be anti-globalist and he talks about cleaning out the Deep State, the Swamp, all things that have been horrible powers in our lives, creeping into every aspect of government and strangling our puritanical freedoms. The complicit media obeys its every thought. Trump seems to be fighting this power tooth and nail, yet I still do not trust Trump. I trust God.

I'm fairly convinced that the Clintons are embroiled in the occult. I'm pretty certain that the Illuminati have incredible power in the Vatican, in the European Union, among the royal families, and control much of the economy already.

I'm watching all of this "Q" (anon) stuff and cheering on the hunt for those who are really satanic.

And yet "Q" isn't a movement of Jesus Christ. It promises a New World Order of its own.
Free energy, power. Could this be deception on steroids?

How easily we are swept in to what looks good! Be on guard, fellow lover of Jesus Christ. We have our hope in only one, and He is a jealous God.

We may approve of many things an anti-Christ may implement. He looks like Christ! We must remember to be cautious and see what pans out. This is a test of our truth and knowing the Word of God.

This virus has revealed some things about Bill Gates and Henry Kissinger, Bernie Sanders, and Joe Biden, leftists, Soros, Trump, Pence, Fauci, Birx, the Pope and the Jesuits, and many other players we read about in the news everyday, distracting us from the truth of God's Word.

Check things, but cling to the grid of God's bigger picture. Stick to the Christian worldview. Understand history and the powers that jockey into position for each era. Follow the money, follow the money, follow the money.

Ask God to supply all of your needs according to His riches. It may be bread and water, but He will provide. He knows what you need, what your spirit needs.

Did you watch that little testimony I posted previous to this? It may be a can of pop and a bag of shrimp something-or-others... ! God knows your need.

His bigger picture WILL play out, and YOU will have the privilege of watching HIS POWER UNLEASHED.

Here's a little health tip someone passed onto me: 3 oz. of tonic water (with quinine) and 50 mg of zinc every night before bed. Since this virus is somehow like malaria it responds to treatments that fight malaria. Taking a harmless amount of this little mixture could be a preventative. I am just passing on this information from someone I follow on Twitter. BTW grapefruit have quinine too, but you'd need to eat two every night. Maybe you should see if your meds can be coupled with quinine :) Add this to the advice from Dr. Riverwind I posted below.

Jesus IS coming. He promised. He is the Way, the Truth, the Life.


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