"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Thursday, April 2, 2020

To Encourage

Unprecedented Times, everyone is saying it, and it is true.

Things I am gleaning from all of my sources are hardly bright, sunny, and cheerful. We are facing change as never before in our lifetimes.

There is a rub for those who are looking for heavenly redemption and watching the whirlpool of events on earth. We see both, we are realists, we know that things all play out according to plan.

There are some very awful things: the Deep State, Communism, Socialism, Social Justice, The Cabal, Globalism, Crime, the Illuminati, Luciferianism, Islam, Satanism, Witchcraft, Paganism, the Occult, the New Age, Liberalism, the Jesuits, Evil, Pandemics, Earthquakes, Deception, New World Order, EU, UN, Eugenics, Abortion, Suicide, Drug Abuse, Prosperity Gospel, Homelessness, Addiction, Mental Illness, Genetic Entropy,...

The list goes on. The Devil has lots of ideas for deceiving humans. There are those that are horrible to even mention.

Every wile of the Devil is a base mimicry of God's perfect plan. The devil mocks God and turns everything inside out. His deceptions are completely reasonable to the mind born in sin, steeped in sin. Remember, we are fallen. Our hearts are not good. The entire Bible is based on this premise: we are sinners, led astray. Jesus is our Savior. Only Jesus, Jesus alone.

How our proud hearts reject this! We prefer our own idolatry to the true lover of our souls.

How do we face the day anymore? Are these predictions of the global order by the World Economic Forum and the powers that be coming true?

We are all skeptics now.

As a watcher I am not afraid to draw attention to things that are happening that go against Christ and His plan for salvation.

I see many people trying to sanction things that never should be a part of our faith. If there is a question, don't go there. If your spirit has reservations you must probe deeper. How easy it is jump on the bandwagon just because something appears "good." How easily we are deceived.

This is a time of purification. If you are alarmed by our current situation in the world perhaps this is a time to question where you are spiritually. Are you following Truth?

Some think that being religious is the answer to eternal issues. It is not.

I firmly believe in the Rapture of the church. There are many arguments against it, one of which I find most amusing; that it is a figment of the imagination of a girl who lived in the 1800's. If you haven't heard this argument it is truly ridiculous.

Martin Luther lived in the 1500's. He is credited with founding the Reformation, a truth which needed to be brought out against the apostasy of the Roman Catholic Church. Darby, (1800-1882) often accredited with "inventing" the Rapture, was a Bible scholar much like the monks of the Reformation. He is grossly misinterpreted and misunderstood. Typical of the devil's deception the truth of the Rapture was twisted. The Plymouth Brethren are a very Biblically based denomination, far more so than most mainline denominations. Darby was part of that group. Even the Plymouth Brethren have drifted, Biblically, in these recent years, but there is still a very strong Bible-based faith there.

Just because there are "new" discoveries from Scripture, teachings that are brought to light like "Faith Alone" or "Rapture" doesn't disqualify their truth. Truth is truth.

It may come as a surprise, but many prominent liberals grew up in the Plymouth Brethren church. I'm thinking of Garrison Keillor, but also others. Their rejection of truth is profound.

The Rapture is a wholly Biblical doctrine. The Bible teaches a hope for the Bride of Christ at the time of Jacob's Trouble (the Great Tribulation, the Seventh Week of Daniel) from all of Scripture. The Jewish feasts symbolize the entire span of time and key events within them, primarily those events regarding Jesus Christ!

We have hope in these latter days. Those that diminish that hope are tools of the devil. The devil fosters fear, disillusionment, lies. Too many scoff at the Blessed Hope. Too many are double-minded, preferring the intellectual snobbery of higher criticism.

The Bible is plainly teaching the Blessed Hope of the Rapture.

Truthfully, I was raised in a Bible-believing home and I wasn't much of a church historian as a child. I simply believed what was written in Scripture. This simple reading of Scripture (without someone's interpretation) led to a strong belief in prophecy. It led to a strong reliance on the teachings of Christ. My faith journey was based on knowing Bible stories from the Old and New Testaments, and growing in light of those Biblical characters who taught lessons of sin's consequence and God's power.

Simple faith, simple understanding, simple trust: these are my mainstays.

Jesus is coming. Repent from your sin. Watch as prophecy plays out before your eyes.
Remember that the blinders of evil mask most spiritual eyes.

If you want your eyes to be opened pray to receive Christ as your savior!

The Beast system is coming. His mark is open to interpretation, but you will soon see that you cannot "buy or sell" without allegiance to this system. We see the political situation already lined up for the end times. We see earthquakes, extinction of animals, climate change (believe me, we haven't seen anything yet!), pestilence, economic upheaval (have you read the predictions??), apostasy, and the inversion of good and evil. What was good is now evil, what was evil is now good.

Is God's Word true?

Of course. It proves itself true every single day.

Believe the Truth, or believe a lie. Your choice.

Come to Jesus!

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