"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Monday, December 17, 2012

Brace for Yoga

This article reports on another I'd seen a few weeks back.

Yoga Programs In School

Really, it is amazing how Satan is trying to ooze his counter religion into our lives!

Yoga is a practice of Hinduism, and it should not be tolerated any more than prayer in any school. Change the laws to allow PRAYER, and Yoga becomes fine.

Each yoga position channels a demon from the Hindu religion.

Do you want YOUR children channeling demons?

Please take the time to read "The Beautiful Side of Evil," by Johanna Michaelsen. 
PDF Free Download! 
(You will be asked to complete a survey and you might get phone calls)

We deal with evil masked as light every day. It is up to us to seek out the pure milk of the WORD OF GOD (The Bible) for our lives, not seeking false paths to peace.

Call me a 21st Century siren----I don't care----but until we see evil for what it is we will die as a culture.

Yoga is the practice of calming the body to enter the next death, the next reincarnation.

As an avid swimmer at the local YMCA I come into contact with poor women in the locker room, their unhappy faces after the last "death prep" yoga course.

Do we really want our children practicing death on a daily basis?

Oh, wait, I guess it's a sign of our culture. Perhaps it is appropriate for this age of apostasy after all???? Pardon the cynic in me today...

Yoga Programs In School

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