"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Friday, December 7, 2012

Idolatry, Again

This week another film from Ray Comfort appeared, and it sort of nailed an issue I've been ruminating on for the last year or so.

As humans we seek to justify our behavior, and in so doing we create a false image of what is right, or righteous---at least according to God's standards.

We can become apathetic, and live a life that is listless and surface oriented, or we can become idolaters, creating a new God that is entirely okay with whatever pleases us.

Both things are wrong.

God confronts us in His Word about holiness. He is Holy, and His children are called to holiness. Who can argue that the body is not sanctified by the spirit?

There is always a measure of grace for our failures, but we must try to see righteousness from God's moral standard.

In this power of spiritual sanctification we find the joy of knowing God.

We see His works, His hand, His love for us in every minute. He reveals His truth to us through His word. He isn't silent.

When we stray from His standard He quietly backs off. He waits, patiently, while we learn a lesson of life.

Beware of theologies that wink at sin. Beware of theologies that require works to get into heaven!  Walk the narrow path of salvation, repenting of sin, believing in Christ's sacrifice for us all.

Live righteously. Forsake the appearance of evil.

Your Lord God wants to reward you. He wants to spend eternity with you.

Let His Spirit fill you today with wisdom and purity.

Seek the God of the Bible, and not the god of your own image.

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